How do I synchronise my calendar?

Do you want to synchronise your PaulCamper calendar with another calendar? We'll show you how to do it here.

We know how difficult it can be to manage multiple calendars and keep them up-to-date. That's why we've introduced improved iCal integration into the platform. This function can be operated with various systems. For example with

It's not only super practical, but can also be done very quickly with just a few clicks.

How calendar synchronisation works


1. Log in to your PaulCamper account and click on "Calendar" > "Synchronise calendar".


2. The following window will open. Select the URL and copy it.


3. Now open the calendar programme in which you want to integrate the PaulCamper calendar. The following example is based on GoogleCalendar, but works in exactly the same way with other providers.


4. Click on "Add calendar" > "By URL". Paste the URL copied in step 2 into the field provided and click on "Add calendar".


Tadaaa - and you've synchronised your calendars!