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Updating your calendar after the platform update

How to manually update your calendar following the latest update

Following our latest platform update, in a view profiles the previously blocked calendar entries have unfortunately disappeared. We deeply apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding that a manual update on your part is necessary. To assist you in this process, here’s a simple guide on how to update your calendar:

Step-by-Step: Updating Your Calendar

  1. Access the Kalender: Click on the “Kalender” button at the top right of the platform.

  2. Select Availability: First, choose the start date in the calendar, then select the end date in the side menu.

  3. Mark as ‘Nicht verfügbar’: Check the box for “Nicht verfügbar” to block these days.

  4. Don’t Forget to Save: Remember to save your changes (speichern) to make them effective.

Important: Keep Your Calendar Up to Date

It’s important to regularly maintain and update your calendar. This not only helps you but also our campers who are searching for their perfect camping experience. By keeping your availabilities accurate, you ensure a smooth and pleasant experience for everyone involved.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!