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Where are my reviews on the new platform?

Update process of reviews after the introduction of the new platform

Why are reviews important?

A platform like PaulCamper, which brokers motorhomes to holidaymakers, works with both the lovingly maintained motorhomes of the owners and the valuable vacation time of the hirers. Trust is therefore of crucial importance here. One way to build this trust is through reviews.

What should a review look like?

At PaulCamper, you can leave a review after every booking. An ideal review should of course show how nice the vehicle was and how unforgettable the vacation was. Rental companies are welcome to share their experiences via communication with hirers before and during the trip. If something did not work out so well, please be polite. Feedback should always be constructive.

How does the rating system work?

You can submit a review from the end of the booking, you will receive the link by email or you can call up the booking again on PaulCamper.de. The publication takes place 14 days after the end of the booking, regardless of whether only one party has submitted a review. You can find our guidelines on reviews here. In the event of defamation, data protection violations and inappropriate behavior, we reserve the right to adjust reviews and delete them in exceptional cases.

As an owner,  where can I view the reviews I have received?

You can find your previous bookings on your camper profile. Log in to PaulCamper, select your camper under "Camper" and click on "Vorschau des Inserats". Your profile will now be displayed as the hirers will see it. Scroll all the way down to find your previous ratings.